I know, you must be thinking "What?! Another blog post about
Tokyo Street?" and to be honest, I kind of have the same reaction. Nevertheless, repetition aside, I really do have something that makes me personally happy to share with you guys today. :)
So then,
back in August, I was in Tokyo Street @ Pavilion KL. Since I had my bro's DSLR with me that day, I decided to snap some photos and join
The Click Shop x Tokyo Street Photo Contest. I submitted 3 photos (the maximum allowed) really close to the deadline in early September and crossed my fingers.
Entry #1 |
Entry #2 |
Entry #3 |
So last week I was in Pavilion for the TANGS Closed-Door Preview Sales, and after the shopping was done, I was walking along the link bridge at level 4 when I came across the photography contest exhibition. Imagine my surprise when I saw a very familiar-looking photo displayed right next to the 3 winners...
Tadaa! Somebody added a caption for it too. |
That was probably my most syiok sendiri yet FML moment - looking at the exhibition photos and seeing my submission made it as a finalist, but placed right next to the top 3 winners. Makes me wonder how close was I to winning one of those limited edition lomo cameras. =/ Oh well. I didn't really expect to win anyway. It was just a fun opportunity to snap some nice photos and try my luck. :)
See you next time at
your photos are great too! put them up in the exhibition! :P
wow, looks pretty genuine. i'd bring my gf for a pak toh session there haha
My movie review on The Sorcerer and the White Snake (HK)
#1 and #2 are nice :)
Crap! I miss it. Btw, good shot do u have.
I like the first 2 photo. it's nice!
Wow, ur photo is exhibited. I would pick the 1st entry too :)
Last picture with some editting..it will look cool!! XD
Thank you everybody for the lovely comments! ^^
Jamie: Haha, thanks!
toninkush: Yup, it's a great place for a date!
ken: I think so too. But I submitted 3 anyway coz i kiasu AHAHAHA
FeeQ: Thank you~ :)
Emeryn: :D Arigatou~
Kelvin: That's my fave photo out of so many I took too. I was really happy they picked that one to exhibit, even though I didn't win any prize. :)
Eric: Yeah. But the contest rules stated no editing. Lazy to edit for the blog too, except to add watermark. XD
Soooo lovely! I wish I could've been there :(
wow great job! your photos are great!! ilove your craft!
These are really great photos!! I love the Japanese theme as well~
lol that is your photo? great hehe :)
Emy and Diane: Thank you! ^^
Nancy: Thanks! I always think Japanese theme are really sweet.
Kian Fai: Yup. I'm still an amateur at photography though. I just take pics as memories, not really into the whole "professional photography" stuff. :)
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