True Story, Bro

So bro was gonna take a shower and he turned on the bathroom light.
Me: "Broad daylight still need to on the light meh?"
Bro: La~ La~ La~ *closes door*
Me: (typing typing) *suddenly notices that it's super bright*
The wall light was on in my own bedroom. FML

End of true story for today.


Isaac Tan said...

Dont really get it, meaning he switched on your bedroom lights instead of the bathroom. Is it to irritate u? :)

Btw first time over here. Hello there!

Ken Wooi said...

lol.. so did you off your wall light?

LauraLeia said...

Isaac: Nope, I had switched on my bedroom light before that and forgot to switch it off, haha! Thanks for dropping by my blog (for the first time)! :D
ken: Yes I did. After doing a facepalm. XD